For the sugar syrup: in a medium saucepan combine 1 cup water and sugar; bring to boiling. Simmer 5 minutes or until sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in mint leaves. Let stand 20 minutes. Strain into a small bowl; discard mint leaves.
Meanwhile, place kiwi in a food processor; process until smooth. Transfer to a pitcher. Stir in sugar syrup; cover and refrigerated 1 hour.
Just before serving, stir in lemon juice and sparking water; mix well. Pour into 4 glasses over ice cubes, and serve.
How to Select:
SunGold kiwis are sweet and juicy with golden yellow flesh and smooth skin. When selecting a SunGold kiwi remember to choose one that has firm and smooth skin.
How to Store:
SunGold kiwifruit are tender, refreshing and usually ready to be eaten straight away. To slow down the ripening process, keep them in the fridge away from other fruit. On the other hand, to speed the ripening process up, store at room temperature in a paper bag with apples, oranges bananas or pears, but away from sunlight.
Nutrition Benefits:
Great source of fiber, high in vitamin C, and a good source of potassium & vitamin E.
For the sugar syrup: in a medium saucepan combine 1 cup water and sugar; bring to boiling. Simmer 5 minutes or until sugar dissolves, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in mint leaves. Let stand 20 minutes. Strain into a small bowl; discard mint leaves.
Meanwhile, place kiwi in a food processor; process until smooth. Transfer to a pitcher. Stir in sugar syrup; cover and refrigerated 1 hour.
Just before serving, stir in lemon juice and sparking water; mix well. Pour into 4 glasses over ice cubes, and serve.